"Over 100 Years of Hereford Knowledge and Experience-since 1910."
ET Herefords
75 SW 850
Leeton, MO 64761
ph: 816-517-4102
Welcome to ET HEREFORDS. We are a family operation located in West Central Missouri, that has been raising registered Horned Hereford's since 1910. We also maintain a commercial cow herd we use as recipients for our own Hereford embryos.
Over 100 years of Hereford knowledge and experience, our breeding program is simple and consistent. The first generation, John C Bernt, did not chase the baby beef fad of the 30’s and 40’s. The second generation, Ray Bernt, did not use the runt bulls of the 50’s and 60’s. Today, the third and fourth generations of Bernt's are not influenced by the current hit bull of the year.
We carefully choose cattle that exhibit growth, frame and mass. Our breeding emphasizes Canadian based genetics along with old-line Mark Donald bloodlines. We raise our cattle on Kentucky 31 fescue and select the best of each generation to use in our embryo transplant program. We are currently using bulls from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington and Texas to breed cows, as well as semen in the tanks that has proven useful through the decades. Breeding the kind of cattle it takes to create the growth, frame and mass we desire on Missouri’s fescue is a challenge. The bulls and semen we have on hand allows us to create a well-performing bull that any buyer can be proud of.
Located 65 miles Southeast of Kansas City, MO
Located 1 mile West of 13 HWY
ET Herefords
75 SW 850
Leeton, MO 64761
ph: 816-517-4102